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Reiki Sale

I am having a spring sale of my book Reiki~Healing Yourself & Others. If you have my book you know how beautiful and timeless it is.

A grace-filled book that teaches you how to reconnect deeply with your body through 180 big, clear photos, inspirational art work, and clear instructions on how to do healing work on yourself, your family and friends.

And did I mention they make Great gifts and each one is signed by the author. The books are Almost new, Baker and Taylor returns, usually $24.95 now $12.00 with free shipping and handling And last but not least an unusual reiki stamp set originally $28.95 now $15. Fun to use and potent magic!.

For the book and stamp sale Go to www.reikihealinginstitute.org. put in the words ReikiSale6/14. For the coupon. Last but not least my affirmational posters and healing jewelry all at a 20% discount here.

Use Healing6/2014.at checkout..

My phone is 760-436-7667.

I look forward to hearing from you. I have been into many new wonderful things and I will be offering them at a later time so stay posted.

Please visit Marsha's other websites: Reiki Healing Institute.org - Lords Prayer Hands On.com